I am writing from my work desk, where I assist Nelson with his job. He is a US Health Advisor, and deals with health insurance. I really love helping him. It is fun, and the people around us a great and very supportive of each other. It is a nice atmosphere. Seeing people who celebrate others, instead of tearing them down, is incredible. Nelson just made another sale a few minutes ago. When you make a sale, you ring a gong, and everyone claps. That is fun too!
While I was sitting here, communicating with clients, making sure that they have the information they need, my estranged adult child popped into my mind. It is weird how that happens. I can be completely at peace, concentrating on something else, and POP, in the thoughts come. This time, I stopped, and I prayed. I knew at that moment it was not my voice bringing that thought into my mind. I was from the enemy. The enemy wants me to meditate on the negative and loss of my estranged adult child. This time, I refused the invitation to the rumination party. I prayed for God to fill my mind with His word about me. I rebuked the enemy, in Jesus' name, and you know what? It went away, and a few minutes later, Nelson made a sale! God is good. I blocked it! I will continue to keep those thoughts blocked. Just like I block numbers I do not want calling me, or social media posts that I do not think are good for me. Blocking thoughts that do not serve God or me is the thing to do.
I choose peace and God above all things. Even my estranged adult child. Even, my other adult children and my husband. God and His kingdom above ALL things. I choose His kingdom first. The more this estrangement has lasts, the more I have learned how much God is trustworthy. The more this estrangement lasts, the more I find myself growing in my faith in God, and the more I find Nelson growing in his faith in God. We want to walk in His footsteps and watch as He creates a new life for us, and a new way of doing things. The old ways are disappearing and the new ways are starting to grow and take root.
As we take another step in family therapy tomorrow, I trust that God will be with us and help us in the room with my non-estranged adult children. I am finding that I feel less and less anxiety about going. I can see how it is helping. I know that our family is going to be okay. I trust God is with my estranged adult child, and that He is a work within her. He loves her even more than I do.
For now, I have to get back to work! More people to touch, more to do for God! No distractions, keep my eye on the prize!
Please know you are loved and enough. Comment below and let us hear from you, Nelson and I really want to hear your story!