The past few days have been very busy. I have worked with students, I worked with Nelson in his office, and I stocked up my new vending business that is in, Nelson's office. These people work hard. They hardly have time to do much of anything. They get there early, and they stay late. Nelson and I do too. We arrive at the office before 8 a.m. and stay until 8:30 or 9:00 p.m. We have big goals to meet. The vending machines in the food court area are outrageously expensive. I am working to help the people who work there to be able to get snacks and drinks that will not cost them as much. I am also going to check into providing healthy alternatives to junk food as well. Making sure that we are all doing our best to be healthy is the goal. It is a health insurance office. As a health insurance office, it needs to have the focus of health and well-being. At least that is what I believe.
I have been on my own journey to become healthy. I am exercising, losing weight, working to eat healthy. I have lost 5 pounds over the last week and a half. I am still going. This health journey, doesn't only include physical health, it includes mental and emotional health as well. One of the best things I have done for myself is going to work with Nelson and assisting him in his job. I really enjoy it there. It is the first time I have enjoyed something like this in a very long time. I really have fun. Sometimes, I wonder if I need to do the same job. I have thought about that a lot. It makes me happy. I never thought I would say that, much less write it in a blog.
Family therapy is helping. We are changing the way we interact and changing the way we speak to each other. It is a very good thing. I am working on speaking words that lift up and encourage Nelson. It takes thought and intentionality. I know that he is doing the same. I also am working to do that for my adult children as well. When the estrangement started with my adult daughter, I didn't know if I could survive it. Now, I know and feel that not only can I survive it, we can thrive within it. It seems that things are going in the right direction.
I pray every single day for God's blessing on our work. I dedicate it all to Him. Everything we do, we work for Him. I feel like for the first time, we are getting our lives truly together. I am happy about that part. God is directing our path. That is a really good feeling.
As each day goes by, it gets closer to October and being over a year since the estrangement with my adult daughter began. So far, the journey has been difficult. With a lot of prayer, and painful changes through family therapy, I can see more and more light at the end of the tunnel. That does not mean that the estrangement is ending any time soon. I have no idea. God alone has control over that part. The light we are seeing is coming from dealing with the ways we made mistakes, and learning from them. There is a lot to be said for humbling yourself and making yourself vulnerable. There is a healing to it, for all involved. To apologize and admit to your adult children and your other family members is very freeing and healing. It is a weight off of our shoulders. I do believe that is another reason I am losing weight. Taking one weight off, helps me to lose weight in other ways. I am so thankful to God for walking us through this difficult time, and loving us enough to hold us up.
Please remember that you are loved and enough. Please comment below, Nelson and I want to hear your story.