This is the only day we have to enjoy. In the midst of this day, I have many concerns. Hurricane Helene hit, and so many people are trapped, without clean water, homes lost, people that can't find their loved ones. Whole towns have been washed away. People are without food and water. Major roads of transportation are no longer available for use. I have friends and family that are involved in this catastrophe. There is nothing I can do. I wait. One top of this, my guard dog, Tank, is sick, I have to take him to the vet in the morning, which is not an easy job, if you know Tank. I don't feel well today, I have a vestibular migraine. (Big Shock). The last thing on the list for today is my best friend from High School, (the friend I have had the longest, is having an important medical procedure today). Yet, in all of this, today is the only day we have to be thankful for and enjoy.
Strangely enough, it feels pretty good to say, "Thank you," and praise God. God is worthy of praise no matter what the circumstance. He is in control, when all is out of control. Believe me, today feels very out of control. I have absolutely no control over any of the circumstances. I have no control over my dog being sick, or the people who are suffering from the Hurricane. I have no control over the medical issues my friend is going through at the moment. I have no control over what my estranged adult daughter is doing or not doing. All of these things I hand over to God, and trust His timing and His plan. Life seems to go completely crazy at times. This I know, God is still good.
My estranged adult daughter is safe from the storm, unlike so many others. I am grateful. My other two adult children are safe. I am grateful. Even though my cup is overflowing and I am overwhelmed with this particular day, I am thankful for the many blessings that are still in my life. Friends I love, family I love, a beautiful home, a great husband, businesses I love.
I have to start counting my blessings on days like this. It is the best thing I can do.
Last night, I was struggling with the estrangement. It hits me that way every once in a while. A wave of sadness. A friend of mine said it quite well, "This is spiritual warfare, make no mistake of it. Satan is using your daughter against you, and you against your daughter." I am praying for the Lord to daily remind me to put on my armor. The Armor of God. I believe that when things seem the darkness, that is exactly when the light is closest to shining.
I pray for my estranged daughter today. I pray for my long time best friend. She has more medical procedures to go through. Pray for her healing. Pray that I can help to strengthen her. Pray for healing for my dog Tank. He protects me, and is beautiful. Pray for the people who are affected by Hurricane Helene. Pray that the lost are found. Pray. God knows our needs, and will be a help in times of trouble. He is an ever-present help in times of trouble. He is our great comforter. Right now, it seems that A LOT of people need comfort and provision from Him. I believe so much has been put into perspective for me. Thank you God for this day.
Please know that you are loved and enough. Comment below, we want to hear your story. Nelson and I would love to hear from you.